Jalapeno Corn Bread

What pairs perfectly with a nice warm bowl of Vegan Chili?? Yup you guessed it… Vegan Jalapeno Corn Bread (this recipe has an added bonus of also being Gluten Free). I think the hardest part of this recipe is making sure not to touch your nose after chopping the jalapeno (I have made that mistake plenty of times).



1 1/4 cup brown rice flour (you can use any flour that you would like as long as it is not bread flour)

3/4 cup corn meal

1/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder


1 cup of milk

1/4 cup of oil

1 egg

1 jalapeno, diced finely


Preheat the oven to 400

Mix all of the dry ingredients together so that the flour and corn meal are dispersed evenly throughout one another.

Mix the wet ingredients together then add to the dry. Add the Jalapeno and mix just until combined.

Spray a 9″ pan or spray a muffin pan with non stick spray

Bake for 20-25 minutes if in a pan and 15-20 minutes if making muffins.

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I cut them open and put Earth Balance on them.

Fair warning that they are quite spicy from the raw Jalapeno that is in the batter. If you are sensitive to heat you can use half of the pepper or not use them at all, they are yummy either way.

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