Tofu Lasagna






So I am not necessarily a Tofu person, but my husband loves the stuff. I am constantly trying to figure out new ways to prepare a food that has no flavor. Fortunately tofu will take on the flavors that you put with it (it is nothing but a big edible sponge). This is tonight’s creation.

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1 Block of Tofu, drained and pressed

1 onion, diced

1 cup of diced mushrooms

3 cloves of garlic

1 cup diced asparagus

1 can hunts diced tomatoes

1 cup marinara sauce

1/4 cup vegan cheese

Press your block of Tofu under some heavy pots and pans for about an hour (this way it doesn’t have that much water in it when you go to cook it)

As the tofu is pressing go ahead and dice up all your veggies and saute them in a pot

When translucent add in the diced tomatoes

Slice the tofu

In a casserole dish put a spoonful of marinara sauce on the bottom of the dish

Place some of the sliced tofu on the bottom and then a layer of the veggies. Keep on layering. After the last layer of tofu add another spoonful of sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is melty and the tofu is warmed through the center.




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